Monday, January 9, 2012

testing and thinking??

I've been thinking it would be nice to have a quilt that goes with my living room furniture, so I'm going to take a picture of my throwpillows/ottoman fabric and see what you guys think. It's sort of fall colors, eggplant, muted green and tan with some sort of tangerine orange/rust. I think I have a swatch of it tucked somewhere also that I can include. The sofas are eggplant leather, so the only pattern I have is those two throw pillows. If I get some yardage of a purple/eggplant and a tan to include as sugestions, then you guys could add some green and rust batiks. How many yards would be enough to send around? Would 4 be enough?


  1. You did it!! Now try attaching a pic. You should be able to edit the post. Look at the different icons to see what each one does :)

  2. Also, I think the color scheme sounds good. Are you thinking 4 yards for background? That's what Rebecca is doing.

  3. I'm not really sure about a background exactly, more a collection of colors. Let me post the picture tonight and see what you think.

  4. I bought 4 yards of red and 4 yards of white. I am doing a 2 color quilt. Four yards should be enough Dee.
